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Sunset Run with RUN4 Auckland Sunset Run with RUN4 Auckland

Sunset Run with RUN4 Auckland

Yesterday the epic Sunset Run took place thanks to our fam at RUN4 Auckland.RUN4 is a running community for all fitness levels. Every Sunday morning around 8:50am you can find the crew limbering up for a run from Victoria Park in Auckland. 

As the weather clouds put on a show just over 120 runners assembled at our 222 Dominion Rd Studios. Diego from RUN4 provided a briefing and a pre-run stretch. Nadieh from Flight spoke about the partnership and with Regan dished out hot and cold brews to ensure everyone was hydrated.

Then we were off for the slow and steady climb up to Mt Eden. As the clouds broke for a moment we seized on the opportunity to capture the group in all their glory with some happy snaps. 20 minutes later we enjoyed the downhill run back to Flight. 

Everyone was basking in the post-run endorphins with brews, bites, tunes and more all flowing into the evening.

We can't wait to do it all again. RUN4 x Flight Coffee. What a team. 



Find out more about RUN4 via their IG page here.